Healing: Cultivating Subtle-Energy to Deepen Inclusion and Diversity
Lori Harger, RN, PMHNP-BC, Certified Hurqalya Healer and
Nesrin Abu Ata MD, Certified Hurqalya Healer
The aim of this workshop is to inspire nurses with skills
for renewed energy, clarity, peace and inner power with Hurqalya Heart-Energy
Healing, a contemporary synthesis of ancient practices for heart development.
Come feel the energy move in your heart and hands as we embrace the diversity
of all life.
Track: Practice, Personal & Professional Development,
Advanced Practice, Nurse Coaching (I, A)
Cannabis Care: Holistic Coaching Approaches with Diverse Populations
Carey Cadieux, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, RYT, FAAN
This presentation was developed for holistic nurses and
coaches who are interested in learning about how cannabis works in the body to
support homeostasis and the healing process. Learners will learn how to employ
a holistic nurse coaching process focused on supporting diverse populations’
safe and effective use of medical cannabis.
Track: Practice, Education, Nurse Coaching (I)
Ethic of Belonging: Holding Space for Diverse Perspectives
Cynthia Dols Finn, DNP, MN, RN, PHN, AHN-BC, CHTP/A &
This presentation shares how an ethic of belonging underpins
the teaching strategies of a holistically endorsed adult BSN program. Holistic
theory, ethics, practice, self-care, and self-reflection support students as
they learn to nurture themselves and others in creating healing environments
that embrace diversity, equanimity, and social justice.
Track: Practice, Education, Personal & Professional
Development (I)
Equity, Inclusivity and Diversity within Holistic Advanced Practice Nursing
Mary Enzman Hines, PhD, APRN, CNS, CPNP-PC, APHN-BC, SGAHN
and Teresa Mahoney Fadely, MSN, RN, AHN-BC, ACNP-BC, HWNC-BC, SGAHN
This presentation is for holistic advance practice nurses
who are wanting to increase their knowledge of how equality, diversity and
inclusivity inform and challenge the way care is provided for vulnerable
populations in their diverse practice settings.
Track: Practice, Education, Research, Praxis, Personal &
Professional Development, Advanced Practice (A)
but Not Religious: Providing Spiritual Care in a Diverse World
Clare Biedenharn, DMin, BCC
Addressing spiritual needs is essential in this time of
change and growing cultural diversity. This class addresses the cultural
differences and commonalities within spiritual care as a compassionate response
to the marginalized population. This class provides tools for the bedside nurse
as well as for those who manage a diverse workforce.
Track: Practice, Praxis, Personal & Professional
Development (I)