Research Committee
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Research Committee

The Research Committee’s goals are to foster the growth of knowledge and expertise in individual holistic nurses and in the organization, and prepare holistic nurses to utilize and conduct holistic nursing research. Please get to know the members of the Research Committee in the following video presentation! 
The Research Committee suggests guidelines and policies for the research grant award program; constructs the application process; awards grants to recipients and updates procedures as needed, solicits and reviews research abstracts for conference workshops and presentation; updates the survey of research activities of AHNA members; publishes research information in Beginnings and eNewsletter; provides support and mentorship as feasible to members regarding research endeavors; and articulates and supports the research focus and agenda for AHNA.


Research Consultation Services

The AHNA Research Committee offers a program for those nurses who want to conduct research or are working on a quality improvement project, but need some advice and guidance. If you are a new researcher who would like some assistance, the AHNA Research Consultation Program is for you. 

Consultations of one or three sessions can be purchased in the AHNA shop. Consultations are expected to be less than one hour, and will be most productive when the Consultation Request Form is thoughtfully completed. By briefly describing the background of your topic and the research or quality improvement questions, the program manager will be better able to match you with a consultant. After purchasing your consultation service, you will receive an email receipt that guides you in the process for your consultation.

Click here for additional information on the research consultation program.

Click here for the Research Consultation Request Form.

This program is managed by Mary Ann Friesen, PhD, RN, CPHQ, who can be contacted at or

Consultations of one or three sessions can be purchased in the AHNA shop.

AHNA's White Paper on Holistic Research Guidlines

The AHNA 2015 research initiatives reflect the organization’s belief that ongoing discovery of knowledge, dissemination of research findings, and evidence-based practice are the foundation of specialized practice in holistic nursing. 

This white paper addresses AHNA’s position on Holistic Nursing Research (HNR) and the organization’s goals and strategies with respect to holistic nursing research. This will provide holistic nursing researchers with a platform on which to develop research.

Read the AHNA White Paper Here


Policy on AHNA Member Utilization for Research Purposes

AHNA is an association comprised of skilled nurses with various educational and experiential backgrounds. Thus AHNA offers a rich source of data for individuals who wish to learn more about this group of nurses. Additionally, the annual AHNA conference brings a large group of holistic nurses from diverse practice settings together in one place.  

In light of the high variety of members, the AHNA Research Committee has developed a policy on how these members' involvement in research may be solicited. View policy here.

 For inquiries, please email

Investigators seeking approval should send their materials to with a request for AHNA Membership Utilization for Research Purposes.

Connections in Holistic Nursing Research eNewsletter

AHNA members are entitled to receive the quarterly Connections in Holistic Nursing Research eNewsletter

Connections provides a place to highlight research in holistic nursing and allow holistic nursing researchers a place to share their findings with AHNA members. 

Feel free to share the eNewsletters with your e-mail contacts, list-serves, or favorite discussion boards/ blogs. Please just be sure to mention that the e-newsletter is a benefit of AHNA membership.  

If you do NOT wish to receive this eNewsletter or wish to change any of your e-mail permissions, please contact us at

2024 Conference Research Papers

Understanding Silent Moral Outrage to Empowering Women Veterans: Phenomenological-Hermeneutical Study

Wyona M. Freysteinson, PhD, MN, RN, FAAN

The Effects of Forest Bathing on Anxiety Levels in Adults
Nancyruth Leibold, EdD, RN, MSN, PHN, CNE, AHN-BC & Laura Schwarz, DNP, RN, PHN, CNE, AHN-BC

PART-HBLU PTSD: Anxiety Reduction Through Tapping: Healing from the Body Level Up
Andrea Skillman, BSN, HBLU certified level 6

La Mujer Sabia (The Wise Woman)
Caroline Ortiz, PhD, MPH, RN, NC-BC

Hidden Hunger: Food Insecurity and First-Generation College Students

Exploring the Perceived Value of Holistic Certification Among Staff Nurses

Cidalia Vital, PhD, RN, CNL, CRRN; Patricia Faron, BSN, RN, CPAN, HN-BC & Cynthia Peterson, PhD, RN, NE-BC, CCRN-K

Students’ Perception of Nurse Coach Interventions

Jutara Srivali Teal, DNP, MTOM, RN, L.Ac., NC-BC

The Power of Hope: An Inclusive Look at the Impact on Bereaved Parental Coping During Children’s Cancer Journeys

Ellen Johnson, DNP, RN, CNE; Sally Clemenson, DNP, RN, CNE, AHN-BC; Shantelle Smith, DNP, RN & Allyson Hopperstad, DNP, RN, PHN

Integrating Complementary Health Therapies in Reducing Labor Pain

Yea-Jyh Chen, PhD, RN

2023 Conference Research Posters

1. Understanding Nurses’ Experiences of Leadership Caring: A Directed Content Analysis
Carol Swamidoss Douglas, PhD, MPH, RNC-MNN & Anne-Marie O’Brien, PhD, RN, WHNP-BC

2. The Effect of Coloring Mandala Murals on Anxiety in Nurses
Julia Millspaugh, MA, BSN, RN, HNB-BC & Mildred Kowalski, PhD, RN, NE-BC, CCRP

4. Improving the State of Mindfulness Among Behavioral Health Science Faculty
Kristen Butler, DNP, MSN, BSN, RN & Cynthia Powers, BSHA, DNP, RN-BC, NEA-BC

5. Promoting a Healing Work Environment through Civility
Bettina Shank, DNP, RN, CNE; Amy C. Black, DNP, APRN, FNP-C & Eve Rice, DNP, MSN, CPNP-PC

6. PART-HBLU PTSD: Anxiety Reduction Through Tapping: Healing from the Body Level Up Methodology
Andrea Skillman, RN, BSN, HN-BC

7. Spiritual Practices Among People with Cancer Who Experience Pain
Katie Hardie, BSN student; Megan Miller, PhD, RN; Stephanie Spiecher, RN, BSN, CHPN & Cassie Bauer, BSN student

8. The Dualism of Being Trapped and Alone but Also Precious and Invaluable. Voices of Spouse Carers of Persons with Dementia
Lena Marmstål Hammar, RN & Anna Swall, PhD, RN

9. Perception of the Nursing Profession after COVID-19: POV Of Those Entering
Leslie Binford, DNP, RN, PMHNP-BC; Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT; Kristen Butler, DNP, MSN, RN & Cindy Meyer, MSN, RN, CHSE

10. A Qualitative Description of Being a Whole Health Coach
Susan Fowler, PhD, RN, CRRN, NE-BC, FCNS

11. The Effect of Lavender Essential Oil on Primary Dysmenorrhea
Dawn Langley-Brady, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, CHPN, CCA; Truc-Mi Hong; Taylor Crawford

AHNA Research Priorities

The American Holistic Nurses Association Research Committee convened a Task Force to identify the Research Priorities for AHNA. The Task Force, chaired by Wyona Freysteinson, PhD, MN, RN, FAAN, comprises nine holistic nurse experts from across the country with a combined 378 years of nursing experience and a vast array of research experience. The Task Force initially met in February 2022 and then bi-weekly, starting with brainstorming and brainstorming exercises. The work progressed into an iterative process to identify the AHNA Research Priorities. A final draft of the Research Priorities was presented to the AHNA Nursing Research Committee and the AHNA membership for field review in November. The results were aggregated and analyzed in December. There was a total of 259 respondents to the request for comments.

Summary of Results:

  1. Enhancing the well-being of nurses. Support, 99.62 (106 comments)
  2. Innovating holistic nursing care practices and interventions. Support 98.32 (90 comments)
  3. Gleaning insight into mitigating biophysical, psychosocial, and spiritual pin across and lifespan Support 98.26 ( 94 comments)
  4. Understanding intervening in and reducing health inequities 84.35 (86 comments)
  5. Delving into nature and environmental studies 92.95 (113 comments)

The field review results were presented at the January 2023 AHNA Research Committee meeting, and the final recommendations were then forwarded to the AHNA Board of Directors for approval. The Research Priorities were approved at the January 2023 AHNA Board Meeting. The Task Force wishes to thank the AHNA Executive Director, AHNA Board of Directors, and AHNA membership for supporting this initiative.

Please click here to see the full document.

Past Research Grant Recipients

This award is supported by individual and group donations through AHNA’s Research Fund.

Recipients are encouraged to attend the National AHNA conference to receive their awards. Recipients are also encouraged to attend a subsequent conference to present their research findings, and are encouraged to publish the results of their work.

Click here to view the past Research Grant Recipients.

Research Grant Awards

AHNA offers a competitive research grant for $5000.

The Research Grant is available to current AHNA members who are conducting holistic nursing research and have been members of AHNA for at least one year. Eligibility includes doctoral students who wish to apply for funds to support their research.

Those receiving the AHNA research grant funds are required to submit a progress report on an annual basis with a final report at the conclusion of the study and maintain a current membership with AHNA. Recipients are encouraged to attend the annual national AHNA conference to receive their awards. Winners are also encouraged to attend a subsequent conference to present their research findings, and are encouraged to publish the results of their work.

This award is supported by individual and group donations through AHNA’s Research Fund.

Selection Process
Grants are competitive and awarded through the AHNA Special Recognition and Grant Awards Committee which includes at least one member of the Research Committee. 

All applications and proposals are reviewed by the Committee members and the AHNA Board of Directors.

AHNA Research Grant Application

Applicants for the Research Grant must submit a research proposal* (3-5 pages) that includes:

1. Cover letter including: Complete contact information for the applicant, member ID number (contact ID number) and expiration date, and biosketch.

2. The proposal organized according to the guidelines.

3. Budget: Grant proposal budgets should be appropriate for AHNA level of funding, i.e. moderate in scope, able to be completed in 1- 2.

4. Completion of the AHNA Awards Nomination/Application Form please click here.

5. Doctoral student applicants only: Please enclose a letter from your Dissertation Committee Chair stating that they have reviewed your application and approved its submission for this grant.

* Proposal must be properly formatted: Your application will be blinded for review. Your application must be in word format; do not send pdf files. Do not "track changes" in your document. Please use a plain header with page numbers only.

Please e-mail completed application to by February 15th of the year the grant is awarded.


Holistic Nursing Research Web Library

Welcome to AHNA's Holistic Nursing Research Web Library. Holistic Nursing research develops knowledge and assists in providing the evidence base needed to transform health care into holistic care. This requires dedication to creating and fostering resources that assist in creating, interpreting and conducting holistic research. 
We believe that all holistic nurses participate in research. Research activity can include posing questions, systematically collecting information to answer those questions, and implementing the results. 

We invite researchers and healthcare professionals to electronically submit manuscripts for consideration to Please include the citation in APA format, a URL to the abstract or full text article, a short abstract and suggested category or categories. Your abstract should total about 300 words and include: Purpose, Sample, Methods, Findings and Relevance to Holistic Nursing.

Free, electronic access to the Journal of Holistic Nursing (JHN) is just one of many benefits of AHNA membership. All JHN articles on this page are available in PDF for AHNA members- learn more about how to access the JHN articles here.

AHNA Researchers in Action

AHNA member names are in bold. We would love to hear about your research. Have you published a paper, presented your research, or received an award? Send your “AHNA Researchers in Action” news to

Congratulations to the winners of the JHN Excellence in Writing Awards:
Journal of Holistic Nursing Excellence in Writing Awards Quantitative
Diane Wind Wardell, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, CHTP/I – ‘Energy Healers’ Distance Healing Experience'

Journal of Holistic Nursing Excellence in Writing Awards Qualitative
Amy Rettig, DNP, MALM, MSN, APRN-BC – Describing Remembrance & Renewal: A Holistic Self-Care Program

Stephanie Maxine Ross. (June 2024). Mitochondria dysfunction and chronic fatigue syndrome. Holistic Nursing Practice 38(4):245-247. doi:10.1097/HNP.0000000000000671

Meghan E. Ficarra. (June 2024). An asynchronous evidence-based mindfulness intervention for professional nurses. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 42(2):111-118. doi:10.1177/08980101231186033

Martha J. Greenberg. (June 2024). Self-guided humorous imagery mitigates pain and anxiety: A repeated measures pilot study. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 42(2):121-132. doi:10.1177/08980101231181257

Nakesha Hill-Wilkes, Felicia Renales, Sherry Seibenhener, and Lenetra L. Jefferson. (June 2024). Examining the effects of music therapy on decreasing agitation in Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 42(2):133-142. doi:10.1177/08980101231198717

Leigh A. Minchew, Sandra K. Cesario, Misty M. Richmond, and Catherine M. Mbango. (June 2024). Examining the burden of self-blame attribution among women with Cervical Cancer. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 42(2):143-155. doi:10.1177/08980101231194218

Kerry Marshall, Wanda Martin, Rachel Loewen Walker, and Helen Vandenberg. (June 2024). Exploring the impacts of heteronormative and cisnormative ideologies on fertility intentions and family planning experiences within the 2SLGBTQ community: A qualitative case study. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 42(2):156-167. doi:10.1177/08980101231189653

Wyona M. Freysteinson, Mary Enzman Hines, Diane Wind Wardell, Mary Ann Friesen, Shirley Conrad, Rothlyn Zahourek, Ana-Maria Gallo, and Jenifer G. Prather. (June 2024). Identifying holistic nursing research priorities for 2023–2026. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 42(2):182-201. doi:10.1177/08980101231213725

Kara Morriseau and Susan B. Fowler. (June 2024). A concept analysis of cultural appreciation in addressing the wholistic health needs of indigenous people. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 42(2): 202-210. doi:10.1177/08980101231189397

Jeanene (Gigi) Robison, Tina Walter, Judi Allyn Godsey, and Jaimie Robinson. (March 2024) Chairside yoga therapy alleviates symptoms in patients concurrently receiving outpatient cancer infusions: A promising feasibility study. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 42(1), 64-78.

Debra Rose Wilson, Leslie Binford, and Shondell Hickson. (March 2024) The gut microbiome and mental health. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 42(1), 79-87.

Bark, L., & Conrad, S. (2015). Nurse coaching is not what I do: It informs who I am. Beginnings, 35(4), 18-20.

Chen, Y. J., Ostadi, C., Tseh, W., Wightman, K., Hass, H. V., Link, T. (2023). HSR23-115: Stress-related biofeedback responses after Reiki and sound healing therapies for breast cancer survivors [Conference presentation abstract]. JNCCN, 21(3.5). 

Conrad, S. (2023, June 22–23). Conceptualizing power within unitary caring theory: A praxis model for professional nurse coaching [Conference Presentation]. International Association for Human Caring 45th Annual Conference. Boca Raton, FL.

Conrad, S. (2023, October 20–22). Nurse coaching and power of knowing participation in change in the process of health patterning [Podium presentation -1st place podium presentation award received]. Society of Rogerian Scholars 2023 Virtual Conference. 

Conrad, S. J. (2023). Nurse coaching and power of knowing participation in change in the process of health patterning (Publication No. 2854720504) [Doctoral dissertation, Florida Atlantic University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses A&I.

W. Richard Cowling III. (2023, December). A Time of Inconvenience. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 41(4), 324-326.

Fowler, S. B., Conrad, S., & Gell, L. (2023). Identification of hope in stroke-related non-medical public blogs. Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses’ Association, 25(1), 8-13.

Freysteinson, W. M., Enzman Hines, M., Wind Wardell, D., Friesen, M. A., Conrad, S., Zahourek, R., Gallo, A. M., & Prather, J. G. (2023). Identifying holistic nursing research priorities for 2023-2026. Journal of Holistic Nursing. Advance online publication. 

Freysteinson, W. M., Keele B., & Yeatts, P. (in press). Validation of the mirror comfort and avoidance scale in a general population. Journal of Nursing Measurement.  

Gilroy, H., Gonzalez, K., Freysteinson, W., & Celia, T. (in press). Clinical nursing leadership during a crisis. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 

Kelley, M., & Wardell, D. (2023, October 13-22). Energetic impact of near-death experiences and radical remission [Conference presentation]. Healing Beyond Borders 2023 Virtual Conference - 27th Annual International Energy Healing Conference & Instructor Meeting.

Amy Kenefick Moore. (2023, December). Storytelling: Manifesting Integral Interconnectedness in Holistic Nursing Education. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 41(4), 403-410.

Langley-Brady, D. (2023, November). $25,000 of funding was received from the Intramural Grants Program at Augusta University for the study “Elucidating Biological Pathways of Essential Oils for Analgesia in Chronic Pain.” 

Barbara Osborne, Patti Rager Zuzelo. (2023, September/October). The Whole of Diabetes Management: Low Carbohydrate Diet as an Opportunity for Remission. Holistic Nursing Practice, 37(5), 301-303.

Omondi, H., & Freysteinson, W. M. (2024). Understanding obesity in African American women using Leininger’s theory. Nursing Science Quarterly, 37(1), 71-75. 

Amy E. Rettig, Emily Lambrecht-Stock, Amy Lindsey, and Loraine T. Sinnott (2023, December) Describing Remembrance & Renewal: A Holistic Self-Care Program. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 41(4), 327-334.

Randy L. Rosamond, Gloria Giarratano, Susan Orlando, Jane Sumner, Diedre Devier, Lee S. McDaniel, and Diane Wind Wardell. (2023, December). Journal of Holistic Nursing, 41(4), 347-359.

Russell-Babin, K., Friesen, M. A., O'Brien, A. M., McLaughlin, M. K., Messing, J., Mowery, B., Bettencourt, A. P., & Graling, P. R. (2023). A nurse-led implementation science specialist program. The American Journal of Nursing, 123(12), 38-45. 

Silverman, R. A., Short, D., Wenzel, S., Friesen, M. A., & Cook, N. E. (2024). COVID-19 related messaging, beliefs, information sources, and mitigation behaviors in Virginia: A cross-sectional survey in the summer of 2020. PeerJ, 12, Article e16714.

Tovey, M., & Wardell, D. (2023, October 13–22). The energetic soul [Conference presentation]. Healing Beyond Borders 2023 Virtual Conference - 27th Annual International Energy Healing Conference & Instructor Meeting.

Diane Wind Wardell, Cathy Rozmus, and Janet Pinner. (2023, December). Energy Healers’ Distance Healing Experience. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 41(4), 362-376.

Adeniran, R., Jones, D., Hamon, M., Hexem-Hubbard, S., Gonzalez, E. (2023). Checking the Pulse of Holistic and Culturally Competent Nursing Practice in Pennsylvania. Holistic Nursing Practice. 37(4), 223-232.

Burner, L.R., Spadaro. K.C. (2023). Self-Care Skills to Prevent Burnout: A Pilot Study Embedding Mindfulness in an Undergraduate Nursing Course. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 41(3), 265-274.

Cole, L., Mackavey, C., Ramaswamy, P., Mullassery, D. G. (2023). Development of a Moral Resilience Collaborative Program During a Pandemic. Holistic Nursing Practice. 37(4), 180-183.

Langley-Brady, D. L. (2023, September 14-16). Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in breast cancer: A photovoice project. 20th International Society for Integrative Oncology’s Conference. 20th International Society for Integrative Oncology Conference, AB, Canada.

Langley-Brady, D. L. (2023, September 14-16). Soothe study: Essential oils for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy [One of four Dr. Barrie Cassileth new investigator forum award recipients]. 20th International Society for Integrative Oncology Conference, AB, Canada. 

Richardson, C., Wicking, K., Biedermann, N., & Langtree, T. (2023). Coaching in nursing: An integrative literature review. Nursing Open, 10(10), 6635-6649.

Wind Wardell, D. (2023). Experience in Radical Remission: A Self Study and Framework. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 41(3), 294-302.

Yea-Jyh, C., Petrinec, A, Stephenson, S., Radziewicz, R. M., Sheehan, D. (2023). Home-Based Reiki by Informal Caregivers: A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study. Holistic Nursing Practice. 37(5), 285-297.

Drake, J., Parker, C., Swamidoss-Douglas, C. & Friesen, M. A. Exploring Nurses Perceptions of Caring: A Mixed Methods Study

Miller, MSpiritual Well-Being & Pain among Adults with Cancer: Mixed Methods Study

Minchew, LA Holistic View of Self-Blame Attribution in Women with Cancer

Reis, D. The Effect of Frankincense Oil in Cancer-Related Fatigue from Chemotherapy
Also at the ANHA Annual Conference, the following research posters were presented. Click on the title to view the poster.

Binford, L., Butler, K., Meyer, C., Rice, M. E., & Wilson, D. R. Perception of the Nursing Profession after COVID-19: POV of Those Entering

Black, A., Rice, E., & Shank, BPromoting a Healing Work Environment through Civility

Butler, K., & Powers, C. Improving the State of Mindfulness Among Behavioral Health Science Faculty

Fowler, S. B. A Qualitative Description of Being a Whole Health Coach

Hammar, L. M. The Dualism of Being Trapped and Alone but also Precious and Invaluable. The Voice of Spouses of a Partner with Dementia

Hardie, K., Miller, M., Speicher, S., & Bauer, C. Spiritual Practices among People who have Cancer and Experience Pain

Hoang, T., & Langley-Brady, D. The Effect of Lavender Essential Oil on Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Systematic Review

Millspaugh, J., & Kowalski, M. The Effect of Coloring Mandala Murals on Anxiety in Nurses

Butler, K., & Powers, C. Improving the State of Mindfulness among Behavioral Health Science Faculty

Skillman, A. PART-HBLU PTSD: Anxiety Reduction Through Tapping: Healing from the Body Level Up Methodology

Swamidoss-Douglas, C., & O’Brien, A. M. Understanding Nurses’ Experiences of Leadership Caring: A Directed Content Analysis

We also have heard about several other AHNA members’ publications and presentations.

Conrad, S. (2023, Jun 3-Sep 3; On Demand). Unitary power as caring theory. 44th Annual International Association for Human Caring Conference.

Freysteinson, W. & Zahourek, R. (2023, Mar 16-20). Creating a community to inspire holistic nursing knowledge development using appreciative inquiry. 2023 Virtual Nursology Theory Annual Conference.

Freysteinson, W. M. (2023, May 29). Supportive mirror viewing: Theory, indications and practice. International Nursing Webinar on Women’s Health. Kerman University of Medical Science, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Nursing Research Center, Kerman, Iran. 

Friesen, M. A., Parker, C. Lowry, D. & Caritas, C. (2023, Jun 3-Sep 3; On Demand). Nurse perceptions of caring in a pandemic. 44th Annual International Association for Human Caring Conference.

Milner, J. J., Zadinsky, J., & Shiao, P. (2023). Nursing informatics and epigenetics: Methodological considerations for big data analysis. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 41(6), 369-376. 

Wardell, D. W., Rozmus, C., & Pinner, J. (2023). Energy healers' distance healing experience. Journal of Holistic Nursing. Advance online publication. 

Zahourek, R. (2023, Jun 24-Sep 3). What’s love got to do with it [Conference presentation]. 44th Annual International Association for Human Caring Virtual Conference. 

Zahourek, R. (2023, Oct 20-22). Love: Intentionality, dynamic differentiation, & Rogerian & unitary caring science. Society of Rogerian Scholars Virtual Conference.

Southard, M.E. (May/June 2023). How Advanced Practice Holistic Nurses Meet International Criteria for Advanced Practice, Holistic Nursing Practice, 37(3): 118-125.

Chen, Y. J., Ikoro, U. O., & Hsieh, C. M. (2022, July 21–25). Reiki healing protocols and effects: An integrative review [Paper presentation]. Sigma’s 33rd International Nursing Research Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Chen, Y. J., Ho, Y. C., Cheng, C. Y., & Liou, S. R. (2022, July 21–25). Using auricular acupressure to improve insomnia in middle-aged women [Poster session]. Sigma’s 33rd International Nursing Research Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Cook, N., Wenzel, S. G., Silverman, R., Short, D., Jiles, K., Markwalter, T., Friesen, M. A. (2022). A mixed methods investigation of how young adults in Virginia received, evaluated, and responded to COVID-19 public health messaging. Virginia Journal of Public Health, 7(1), Article 6. 

Evans, M. M., Streiff, K., Stiller, C., Barton, J., Riley, K., & Kowalchik, K. (2023). Preparing new nurses during a pandemic. Nursing Clinics of North America, 58(1), 49–57. 

Freysteinson, W. (2023, March 16-20). Creating a community to inspire holistic nursing knowledge development using appreciative inquiry [Paper presentation]. 2023 Virtual Nursology Theory Annual Conference.

Golino, A. J., Leone, R., Gollenberg, A., Gillam, A., Toone, K., Samahon, Y., Davis, T. M., Stanger, D., Friesen, M. A., & Meadows, A. (2023). Receptive music therapy for patients receiving mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, 32(2), 109–115. 

Hadley, K., Wheat, S., Rogers, H. H., Balakumar, A., Gonzales-Pacheco, D., Davis, S. S., Linstadt, H., Cushing, T., Ziska, L. H., Piper, C., & Sorensen, C. (2023). Mechanisms underlying food insecurity in the aftermath of climate-related shocks: A systematic review. The Lancet. Planetary Health, 7(3), e242–e250. 

Kavanaugh, J., Hardison, M. E., Rogers, H. H., White, C., & Gross, J. (2022). Assessing the Impact of a Shinrin-Yoku (Forest Bathing) intervention on physician/healthcare professional burnout: A randomized, controlled trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(21), Article 14505.

Omondi, H., & Freysteinson, W. M. (2023). Response to the letter to the editor: The mirror and obesity: A systematic review on the effects of mirror exposure on behavior and obese individuals. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 1-4. 

Langley-Brady, D. L., Campbell, R. T., Maihle, N. J., Barnes, V. A., Bratton, A. R., & Zadinsky, J. K. (2023). A pilot randomized controlled trial evaluating essential oils for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Pain Management Nursing, 1-10.

Petty, M. E., Chernecky, C., Shiskina, I., Maihle, N., Pawl, J., Waller, J. L., Young, L., & Zadinsky, J. (2023). Belief in research, religious coping, and willingness to participate in clinical trials among African American patients with hematologic malignancies: A pilot study. Journal of Clinical Pathways, 9(1), 15-21. 

Prather, J. G., Stanfill, A. G. (2023). An Integrative Review of the Utilization of the Perceived Stress Scale in Stroke Recovery. The Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 55(2), 65–71. 

Smith, T. A., Perez, J. K. Friesen, M. A. (2022). Virtual focus groups as an answer to research during a pandemic: Implications for nursing professional development. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, 38(2), 279-286.

Stiller, C. (2022). Stress management tools to place in your nursing Toolbox. MEDSURG Nursing, 31(3), 165–168.

Tyner, T., & Freysteinson, W. M. (2023). The mirror viewing experience of women undergoing a mastectomy: an integrative review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Advance online publication. 

Zahourek, R. (2023, March 16-20). Hurricane disaster, community and adaptation, and transition theories [Paper presentation]. 2023 Virtual Nursology Theory Annual Conference. 

Zadinsky, J. K. (2022). Book review of MAUS I: A survivor’s tale: My father bleeds history and MAUS II: A survivor’s tale: And here my troubles began by Art Spiegelman, Pantheon Books New York 1986 and 1981. Journal of Health and Human Experience, 8(2) 108-112.

Dawn L. Langley-Brady, Jade Shutes, Jamie J. Vinson, Julie K. Zadinsky. (2023). Aromatherapy through the lens of trauma-informed care: Stress-reduction practices for healthcare professionals. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 30, Article Number 100602.

Elizabeth Kinchen. (2022) Holistic Nurse Practitioner Care Including Promotion of Shared Decision-Making. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 40(4), 326-335.

Donna M. Fogelson, Carolyn Rutledge, and Kathie S. Zimbro. (2022) The Impact of Robotic Companion Pets on Depression and Loneliness for Older Adults with Dementia During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 40(4), 397-409.

Research Term

The Research Enews team invites your research word!

We are currently seeking to build a glossary of research terminology that will serve the holistic nursing community. In each issue of Connections in Holistic Nursing Research, a new term will be featured and the glossary will be on the website as well.
If you have a research term you think would benefit AHNA members, and would like to be a guest contributor to our glossary, please contact with your recommendation.

Companion Animals
Critical Incident Technique
Data Collection
Effect Size
Ethical Principles
Four Levels of Measurement
Grounded Theory
Hawthorne Effect
Hybrid Model of Concept Analysis
Power Analysis
Quality Improvement-  Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Research: What's the difference?
Theory of Compassion Energy
Theory of Integral Nursing
Threats to Internal & External Validity
Variables in Quantitative Research

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