Transcending Wellness through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity
Equal access to wellness opportunities or resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, can be challenging in today’s healthcare delivery system. This conference will explore ways holistic nurses integrate their Core Values of the caring process and the holistic communication, therapeutic relationship, healing environments, and cultural care, to provide holistic wellness as an active, positive affirming process through which members will become aware of and make choices toward optimal health and well-being. While providing these opportunities and resources, participants will use holistic self-reflection, ethics and theories/education to address the need for inclusivity and diversity in providing wellness through self-care, healthy relationships with others, and access to healthy food, air, water, and healthcare.
AHNA Core Values
Core Value 1. Holistic Philosophies, Theories, and Ethics
Core Value 2. Holistic Nurse Self-Reflection, Self-Development and Self-Care
Core Value 3. Holistic Caring Process
Core Value 4. Holistic Communication, Therapeutic Relationship, Healing Environments, and Cultural Care
Core Value 5. Holistic Education and Research