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AHNA Conference Proposal Tips Webinar - Please watch

Created by: Marian Long, RN, MSN, AHN-BC, HWNC-BC; Linda Thomas, PhD, NPD-BC, CCRN, CHTP/I, HTAP; and Sharilee ‘Kiwi’ Hickey, BSN, RN-BC, HNB-BC
These three experienced AHNA Conference Nurse Planners have gotten together to create this wonderful resource for any person wanting to submit a proposal for the AHNA 2023 Conference in Orlando, FL. This webinar will highlight common mistakes that diminish a proposals chance at being selected, explain frequently misunderstood proposal criteria, and go over the proposal creation, submission, and review process. This webinar is a great resource for both people who have never submitted a conference proposal for AHNA and people who have submitted multiple times in the past!

Guidelines for Submission

1. Access Proposal Forms -

  • Pre-Conference & General Conference Workshops must be submitted by Tuesday, October 1, 2024 11:59 PM (PDT)
  • Poster (Research & Non-Research) and Research Papers must be submitted by Sunday, December 1, 2024 11:59 PM (PDT)

2. Complete Proposals

  • Must submit all required information before the deadline (including presenters)
  • Must have complete presenter information (including correct names and credentials)

3. Additional information may be requested from review committee prior to selection

4. Limit of 3 proposals per person/group

5. Direct questions to or 1-800-278-2462 Ext. 117


Review and Selection Process

1. Only Fully Completed proposals will be reviewed

2. All proposals undergo a BLIND peer-review

3. Additional information may be requested

4. All presenters will be notified of acceptance or decline of their proposal by an e-mail sent through Proposal Space. If accepted, contact presenters will receive an e-mailed contract from, that they will then be responsible for sending to any co-presenters.

  • Workshops will be notified on or around December 10, 2024
  • Posters and Research Papers will be notified on or around January 1, 2025

(notification dates subject to change)

The following information is provided for your consideration as you prepare and submit your proposal:

  • AHNA does not offer any financial compensation or honorarium to workshop presenters (except Pre-Conference workshops). Workshop presenters at conference receive a $45 reduction in the conference registration fee; poster presenters do not receive a reduction in conference registration fees.
  • AHNA does not supply materials for presentations (e.g. colored pens, special paper, mixing bowls, herbs, oils, etc.). All materials required are the presenters responsibility. Please note: these materials must be approved by the Conference Nurse Planner.
  • Presenters are generally given the choice of standard room set-ups: i.e. round tables, classroom, theater. Room set-up and logistics will be solicited from speakers, but final decisions will be made by staff.
  • AHNA provides standard AV equipment, one microphone, one laptop, and projection screen per session.
  • Preconference workshops are either full day or half-day.
  • If you cannot commit to present your workshop at the conference, please do not submit a proposal.  Presenters may be substituted in an emergency (subject to approval).

If your proposal is accepted:
There will be regular communication with AHNA; the following information is important to know as you plan and develop your proposal for submission:

  • You will be required to sign a presenter contract. Click Here to see a SAMPLE CONTRACT.
  • Presenters will be asked to provide a jpg photo of themselves for conference mobile app usage.
  • All Handouts and PowerPoints must be submitted to AHNA by the deadline to be reviewed by the Conference Nurse Planner. Presenters can indicate whether attendees may have access to the Handouts and PowerPoint. If permission to share these is granted by the presenter, they will be made available to attendees on the Attendee mobile App and the AHNA website. Attendees can download and print prior to attending the workshop if they choose. To be respectful to the environment and in an effort to “go green”, AHNA will not print PowerPoints.
  • All presenters must use AHNA’s laptop. Per guidelines, all presenters must have their PowerPoint downloaded on the AHNA computer in the room.

Proposal Options

Expand options below for links to create proposals.

Proposal Content Requirements & Expectations

1. Title - No more than 10 words

2. Length of Presentation (Pre-Conference & General Conference Workshops Only)

3. Learner Outcomes & how they will be addressed in the presentation

4. Intended Audience (Educator, Practitioner, Staff Nurse, etc.) (Pre-Conference & General Conference Workshops Only)

5. Content Level (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

6. Areas of Nursing Addressed (Practice, Education, Research, etc.) (Pre-Conference & General Conference Workshops Only)

7. Description & Purpose (This will be used in the registration brochure & guidebook, so please proof before submitting) (Pre-Conference & General Conference Workshops Only)

8. Abstract Summary (Proof before submitting)

9. Content Outline (Include topics & content - how the program content will unfold and how the learner will be engaged in the content delivery) (Pre-Conference & General Conference Workshops Only)

10. Reference/Resource List (Important Note: Must include updated content from the last 5-7 years!)

Research Papers & Posters only question - does your research have IRB approval?
Papers & Posters - Abstract must be in the correct format & follow the abstract criteria provided

Presenter Information Requirements & Expectations

1. Name - Exactly how you would like it to appear - including credentials)

2. Sole Presenter or Co-Presenter (Co-presenters need one Contact Presenter - this is the only presenter AHNA will communicate with regarding proposals/presentations - they will be responsible for communicating the information with other co-presenter(s))

3. Contact Information (E-mail, Phone, Address)

4. Presenter Expertise (Expertise & Training specific to proposal)

5. Presenter Bio (Please proof)

6. Headshot (High-resolution, 300 ppi, jpeg or png)

7. Conflict of Interest, Potential for Bias, Content Integrity - read thoroughly before answering or initialing - ANCC expressly prohibits solicitations and marketing to nurses during any educational activity and all Conflicts of Interest must be acknowledged and resolved)


Review Criteria & Rubric

Click image below to see the full Rubric the Peer Reviewers use to review conference proposals.


Proposal Space is the vendor AHNA uses for submission of Conference Proposals in all categories. You must register for a LOG IN on the Proposal Space site in order to submit a proposal (your AHNA website login WILL NOT WORK ON THIS SITE). This allows you to register all your demographic information, establish a password so that as you are submitting proposals, you can save them and go back and edit them before the final submission deadline. If you have previously registered and submitted a proposal in past years, you may use the same log in information.